since I got a good job and am not super broke anymore, I was thinking of subscribing to your Patreon! but I had a question about being part of the discord server (because i need the opportunity to be more social even if it is digitally #socialanxiety): i’m still technically a minor (i’ll be 18 soon tho??). anyway, i was wondering if there was an age limit to being part of the server (which i completely understand the need and want and comfort for!)? like is it 18+ only? thanks!

(( OOC: There is no age limit for the server itself, however there are a couple channels within the server that are 18+, which we monitor strictly. 🙂 The server itself has rules of engagement that my wonderful admin, Wen, and I keep a close eye on. I’ve never had to give anyone a strike however, so if you’d like to join, everyone that I’ve met on the server thus-far has been absolutely wonderful! Just make sure, since you are underage (which Patreon asks for anyway I believe) that you have parental consent to join. Thank you for asking! ❤ )) 

Making this anonymous because being public seemed to defeat the point? Idk? But it’s really heartbreaking that creators experience so much pressure in this way. I truly hope that it’s a small minority and not a large part of the community that act entitled for friendship. All of you guys are great and we love sharing support. I sincerely hope I’ve never crossed any boundaries by being overly enthusiastic about your content (I’m bad at words but I hope the message comes across well)

(( OOC: Thankfully it really is a small minority. The vast majority of people who follow me are absolutely wonderful, supportive and understanding and I’m SO grateful for that. 

I think it’s honestly just a simple matter of empathy and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes before sending a message, and I feel like most of us are very capable of that. 

Also, you’re enthusiasm is much appreciated. 😉 ❤ )) 

ooc question – how would you recommend doing the shirtless gifs as the guys?? i’d love to cosplay sirius or remus but i just don’t look like a guy :(

(( OOC: Okay, there’s gonna be a lot of skin in this post while I attempt to explain this, fair warning

It’s really just about what angles you choose and how you hold yourself. 

Heres the most basic “method”: cutting off the image just below your collarbones. 


On top of that, I push my shoulders forward to make my collarbones more prominent and my shoulders appear wider. 


You can also attempt to contour your collarbones to help them stand out more (but that also depends on what body-type you’re going for, there are plenty of guys without prominent collarbones as well *shrugs*).  

Second “method” for looking like a topless bro: an open shirt. 


Now this is a bit harder if you, like me, have a larger chest. This is gonna sound weird, but I use a long ribbon that I wrap around myself – kinda like a harness –to keep everything in place/out of the way (oh the imagery, lol). 


You can also do a fair bit of contouring and makeup depending on what look you’re going for: (abs, chest hair, tattoos, scars… even the color of the clothes you’re wearing and the lighting you use can all help mask and shape your body.)  


And the last thing I do is: strategic prop and arm placement.


Check your angles and position things to strategically cover what you don’t want showing… and VOILA! Ur a nekkid bro. 

This has been topless tips with TT. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. ))